Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Starting position: lie on your stomach on a mat or on the floor with your legs extended behind you. Fingers pointing towards the wall behind you. Reach your arms with palms facing up.
Relax your neck and align your head with the vertebral column.

Up phase: Exhale. Delve into the abdominal muscles and core to stabilize spinal vertebral and slowly and firmly achieve both legs away from his torso until they rise a few inches above the ground. At the same time float both arms a few inches of the soil. Keep your legs and straight arms and allow any rotation in the arms, legs, shoulders and pelvis. His head is aligned with the spine. Do not allow your head lift or tilt toward the floor. Do not allow to back arc. Hold this position briefly.

Descending phase: gently inhale and lower legs and arms to their original position without any movement in his lower back or hips.

To obtain professional advice on your exercise program,
find a Personal Trainer certified by ACE in your area. Before beginning any fitness program, always consult a healthcare provider qualified for advice and to address any questions or concerns. The periods presented in this web site are for suggestion only and should not be substituted for medical diagnosis or treatment. Participate at your own risk and if you feel faint or experience difficulty breathing.

View the original article here